Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones . . . but words will never hurt me..

You may have heard of a child's rant that goes like this: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me This is a common childhood chant meaning hurtful words cannot cause any physical pain and will be ignored or disregarded. I have been around many children and have been told "someone called me a name" or something along those lines. Children can be sensitive and as they grow up, they will be hurt as they learn what they should listen to and what they shouldn't. While the above rant may have been created to help children heal from hateful words, the rant is ironic. I say this because words can and DO hurt. It is much easier for adults because they have learned how to deal with hurtful words. A child however is not mature and hateful words can cause deep wounds that some may never heal from. I know from personal experience that words spoken in anger, meanness, can last a lifetime. While I have healed from much that has happened through the years I am a witness of how much pain words can cause. When I was in the fourth grade in the United States, I was cruelly teased every day and I was told I came home crying every day because of something that had happened. I am thankful that I do not recall every single day in the 4th grade but some memories have stayed with me all this time. My fear of rejection began here among my peers. My insecurities began here as well because of what I went through. The sermon today at church struck a little close to home. Our preacher spoke of how words can hurt and what and how negative words or situations can cause. I am so thankful that God sees our situations, I am glad that He pours healing into our hearts and He helps people individually and maybe even together. My challenge to you friends is to not let words pop out of your mouth rashly. When you are angry, pause before you speak or you may regret what may come out of your mouth. You may want to ask What Would Jesus Do.? I am not saying it is easy I know it’s not!! But in my opinion it’s the best way to live. John 8:1-11


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