I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all
I am so glad tonight as I have been talking
with a good from the DTS I took in East TX!!
She is coming down from NC in October for
a cousins wedding HERE IN WACO!! and
believe it or not her cousin is a friend of mine
how random is this: moving to a new city finding
a new church just randomly geting a ride from
a stranger to home group and her being my friend's
cousin form NC?
well that is exactly is what happened!!
I also get to1 travel sept 28 thanks to a v ery generous gift!!
to Oklohoma where a DTS friend is getting married. that is
so cool and I am so excited because not only will I see the bride
but also 2 roomates also from DTS and some friends from Abilene
they were my college leaders!!! all these dear people I have not seen
in a couple years so I am sure it will so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just curious who has all of a sudden teared up from extreme makeover home edition I mean not a little bitty trickle!!
please reply
someone suggested writing about my missionary kid years I think it is a neat idea what do you think? please let me know!!


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