Do you ever have moments of uncertainty? whatever we face How do you deal with it?
Do you seek God's direction? Ask for His wisdom? Worry about your situation? Are you
anxious about your situation? Do you pray? God is there whether you feel Him or not..
It is hard to deal with a difficult situation whatever it might be, and God can
sometimes feel far off but He is not.
When we are in transition or whatever the case might be He is there with you!! He knows
what will happen.. It is normal to be silently struggling with a situation, and one might
think they are alone, that there is no one else struggling with what they are. If you are
that person right now know that you are not alone! God is there and believe me there are
others in similar shoes.
Studies have been done where one cannot NOT communicate. Human interaction is needed most
of the time.. WHY? because we need each other!! We were put on this earth to be His hands
and feet minister to others!! Take the time to love, pray walk through life with family,
and friends and your life will be changed. Do not be alone.. God is on your side how can
you fail?